NBU certificate
The company holds a certificate from the National Security Office for work with classified information. On the basis of the issued certificate of the entrepreneur according to §20 par. 1 let. a) of Act No. 412/2005 Coll., on the protection of classified information and security clearance, the company is entitled to access classified information up to the level of SECRET. We also operate certified information systems for handling classified information up to the level of CONFIDENTIAL.

NBU certificate of entrepreneurs
NÚKIB IS certificate

Integrated management system
The company holds a quality management system certificate according to the international standard ČSN EN ISO 9001: 2016, an environmental management system certificate ČSN EN ISO 14001: 2016 and also a certificate for the information security management system ČSN EN ISO / IEC 27001: 2014.

ISO9001 certificate
ISO14001 certificate
ISO27001 certificate

Technical Inspection of the Czech Republic
performs state professional supervision over the safety of reserved technical equipment within the scope of Act no. No. 174/1968 Coll., on state professional supervision over occupational safety. Dedicated technical devices are, in the sense of § 6b par. (1) of Act no. No. 174/1968 Coll., on state professional supervision over the safety of work of facilities with an increased degree of threat to the health and safety of persons and property, which are subject to supervision under this Act.

SPIE STS spol. s r.o. is authorized to install, repair, overhaul and test electrical equipment.

Authorization of TIČR

Association of Technical Security Services Grémium Alarm z.s.

Is a representative professional association of companies and entities developing business, employment or other activities in the field of technical services and equipment used to protect persons and property, an authorized association of the Czech Chamber of Commerce and a member of the European association EURALARM.

Certificate AGA

Defence and Security Industry Association of the Czech Republic (DSIA)

Associates Czech companies engaged in research, development, production, trade and marketing of the military and security equipment, material and services. It was founded in 1997 as a non-governmental, independent, apolitical, non-profit organization. Since its foundation it is a respected partner of the Czech Government, the Ministries of Industry and Trade, Defence, Interior and Foreign Affairs. With these institutions the DSIA signed a series of cooperation agreements.

Certifiate DSIA